Your Concerns

There are several Division 10 meetup opportunities I am planning over the coming weeks. I have also enlisted a cultural advisor and continue working to raise awareness for homeless and support solutions that offer greatest viability and potential. I look forward to hearing from you either at one of the meet ups or from your communication via the phone or website. I believe that an independent audit of council finances is needed to gauge where all rate payers money has been spent.

I will endeavor to update the site with any relevant information.

The “council’s duty to address its corporate liability for damages caused by the roll-out.” ( Testing Tech in Paradise) I believe it is the key to the whole event.

With Lloyds of London exclusion 32, the insurance companies have “washed their hands” of any responsibility for Non Ionisation radiation injuries so only the directors of the companies are responsible for damage caused.  As a result anything less than a precautionary standard is absolutely negligence and potentially criminal neglect.

The problem is that the standards are not based on any health outcomes. 

Please watch this seminar from last year. It explains the standards issue very well.

ICBE-Sponsored Workshop: “Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Communications Sources: Are the Safety Limits Safe”, June 14, 2023.

I do not endorse the Council’s Climate Emergency Declaration. There is no emergency.  They should stop wasting ratepayer’s money with their nonsensical virtue-signaling.

I support emission controls in built up areas to reduce air pollution. This may include electric or hydrogen powered buses and other public transport. But I don’t support any controls that are aimed at reducing CO2 emissions. CO2 is not a pollutant and does not cause global warming. No one has ever proved that it does. Furthermore CO2 is an essential plant food and it’s at a historically low level. The more atmospheric CO2 there is the better all plants grow, and they are the essential food source for all life.

I believe that the Climate Emergency is a Global scam. There have been several ice ages in the past, interspersed by periods that were even warmer than today. This occurred long before fossil fuels were ever used by mankind. During the warmest periods the natural environment of plants and animals (including humans) flourished. In addition, records show that sea levels have been much higher than they are now, and much lower too. Sea levels recorded at Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour, starting in 1885, show that levels have risen only 210mm (approx. 8 inches) in 137 years!

In order to protect the hinterland the SEQ planning project is promoting the urban corridor which is everything east of the pacific motorway. My question is where are we proposing to house the influx of population that is being predicted( 85,000 in the next 10 years). Are we going to force people into high rise, 6 level minimum, apartments. So if you choose to live in a hinterland community, Yandina, Mapelton, Keniwoth etc., that’s your choice, but don’t expect to have good sealed roads or others services. This is all part of the WEF agenda to push people into the urban corridor smart cities with high radiation and multiple surveillance systems. This is not my idea of a relaxed lifestyle promoted for the sunshine coast. We are not the Gold Coast. I would like to see this reversed, people have a choice of where they live and pay rates just like the city folk and deserve the same services, waste collection and sealed safe roads.

Finally I say stop living in fear and show your disapproval of how council has been conducted in the past. You have the power to make change happen

Regards Camillo

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