Important Issues

Serving the People

Time for change, lets make it happen together Candidate of the people, serving the interests of the people, I stand for honesty, integrity, compassion and most of all i’m passionate about my community We the...

Standing Issues

The issues that are important for Division 10 are: Cost of living and the pressure caused by our current housing crisis Better support for the increasing homelessness and displaced families Transparency and trust in Council...

Your Concerns

There are several Division 10 issues. I have enlisted a cultural advisor and continue working to raise awareness for homeless and support solutions that offer greatest viability and potential. I look forward to hearing from...

Camillo Primavera JP, CPO

What would you change if you had a person who was working for the people?

The issues I believe are important.
  • Accountability for the impacts of state Government policies on our region
  • Homelessness as a humanitarian crisis, we need viable solutions now
  • Youth crime and community values
  • Escalating Rates, fees and charges, and keeping control of expenditure
  • Re-examine the 15 minutes cities agenda, community consultation and human rights
  • Dog owners concerns about increased restrictions
  • Unsustainable and poorly planned development
  • Better transport system that connects everyone in the Sunshine Coast not just the city

About me

Division 10 needs a Councilor on the Sunshine Coast council to represent the people and fight for transparency.

The following paragraphs represent capabilities and personal attributes that I believe in. It’s not about the money, the power or the politics. As a local resident, it pains me to see important issues being ignored or swept under the carpet, and so my objective is to identify those issues most important to the people in Division 10.

Personal Information

Gender: Male
Family:Married, Grandfather, eight children, fourteen grandchildren
Interests:Local issues, court system, family, veterans support, fishing
Likes:Family, community, helping those in need, people who take action
Dislikes:Injustice, corruption, inaction, deceptive behaviour

Community Experience

2003-2010 Founder/Director REST ( Recovery Education Services and Training ) not for profit charity Maryborough catering for homeless families and children

Summary Profile:

  • Father and Grandfather
  • Navy Veteran
  • Retired Registered Nurse: Bachelor of Nursing, Nursing Education
  • Retired Naturopath: Diploma Naturopathy, Bachelor of Health Complimentary Medicine
  • Former State and local candidate , Maryborough and Fraser Coast, and I was instrumental in exposing the corruption within the fraser Coast council and it’s eventual dismissal
  • Life member RSL, Mates4Mates, TPI
  • Founder/ Coordinator MY Place Nambour
  • Co founder of QHWG, (Queensland Homeless Working Group)
  • Justice of the Peace, 35 years, currently volunteering at Nambour Court House
  • Crown appointed Commonwealth Public Official

Co founder of QHWG, (Queensland Homeless Working Group)
Queensland Homelessness Working Group Vision embraces the formation of an active advisory board from the combined resources of homeless community groups, and the conversion of redundant properties into housing solutions that provide safe accommodation for people in need.

Homeless Services in Nambour

A big thank you to Daiso- for donating their excess/ out of date food, to QHWG, for the homeless. Please show your gratitude by supporting our Sunshine plaza store

Suncoast Care food bank, 24 Howard St., Nambour

The Shack Community Centre, 19 Price St., Nambour

Nambour Community Centre, 2 Shearer St., Nambour

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Can You “Pay Forward” a Coffee or a Pie to help Someone In Your Area Who is Without Food?

The Abacus Project – Paying it Forward

Camillo has been part of the team that delivered the Abacus Project to Nambour and his beloved Division 10 community. Abacus Project is an initiative by community members and local food businesses that allows patrons to pay forward a hot drink or food item so that people in need get a bite to eat or indulge in the luxury of a coffee or hot drink.

If you know of a business that would like to join the Abacus Project, click the button below and post a message on the Facebook page. Thank you.